VN 1500 VULCAN (1996 - 2004) magnetic drain plug | SHOW CHROME

1996 - 2004 KAWASAKI VN 1500 VULCAN
Magnetic drain plug | SHOW CHROME

Fits to:

KAWASAKI VN 1500 A Vulcan 88 [1996 - 1999]
KAWASAKI VN 1500 FI Vulcan Nomad [2000 - 2004]
KAWASAKI VN-1500 Vulcan L [1996 - 1997
KAWASAKI VN 1500 Vulcan Nomad [1999 - 2001]
$7.73 -10%

Estimated delivery date to your address:
Dec. 8, 2024


Manufacturer SHOW CHROME
Units Each

Product description

Magnetic drain plug collects ferrous metals in your oil which may be indicators of impending problems Reuses the OEM O-ring

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